Home Lifestyle Side guy confronted by husband with cutlass

Side guy confronted by husband with cutlass

side guy

An angry husband has chased a man (side guy) believed to have slept with his wife with a cutlass on the streets of Adum, a suburb of Kumasi. It is the central business area of Kumasi.

The man wrapped in a red funeral cloth approached the other man (wife’s side guy) who was seated in his car, took a cutlass he hid in the cloth and nearly butchered him in the car.

The enraged spouse could not hold back his wrath as he pursued the man who was driving a Toyota V8 with the cutlass trying to get a chance to damage him.

In the viral video, sightseers rushed to the scene to help salvage the situation because the angry husband went berserk and from the look of things was ready to do the worst.

The police came in to save the situation. They have arrested the violent man.

The man in the V8 vehicle is nowhere to be found after the angry husband was arrested by the police.

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